
Room 855/856, New Research Building, 77 Avenue Louis Pasteur, Boston, MA 02115

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9am-8pm
  • Tuesday: 10am-9pm
  • Wednesday: 9am-8pm
  • Thursday: 9am-5pm
  • Friday: 9am-5pm


Please login here (https://ppms.us/harvard-hms/login/) to book time on the equipment. Calendar is open 2 weeks in advance.

Please note that cancellations must be made at least 72 hours in advance to avoid charges.


Please e-mail Chad (Chad_Araneo@hms.harvard.edu) to arrange training prior to booking all equipment with the exception of staff-run sorting on the FACSAria, MoFlo Atrios EQ and Aurora Spectral Cell Sorter.

Sort Sample Requirements:

- Cell concentration not to exceed 107 cells/mL 
- Cells are to be filtered through 45 uM mesh prior to sorting (after final wash or staining step)
- Cells can be brought in 12x75 mm round bottom tubes or 15 mL conical Tubes 
- Phenol red is not recommended in cell suspension media.
- An unstained control and a single positive control for each fluorophore used is required.

Collection Tube Requirements:

Tube Sorting: All collection tubes should be filled approximately ¼  with desired buffer (cell growth media, PBS, lysis buffer, etc). Eppendorf tubes or 12x75 mm round bottom tubes can be used for 1, 2, 3 or 4 way sorting, 15 mL conical tubes can be used for 1 or 2 way sorting.
Plate Sorting: Cells can be sorted directly into 6, 12, 24, 48, or 96 well plates. Wells should contain appropriate buffer.
Please indicate plate type on the calendar at the time of sign up.