The GCF offers a range of services from basic breeding to mouse manipulations such as injections, gavage and sample collection.  We are also able to create unique transgenic mouse lines in a germ-free condition (rederivation).  Our facility-dedicated staff is well versed in gnotobiotic techniques. We provide the flexibility to allow investigators to be trained in gnotobiotic techniques, or to have our highly trained staff perform studies.  We offer our services to HMS researchers, as well as to the broader academic community.

Some of our services include:

 Purchase of Germ-Free (GF) Mice(various genotypes available)

 Association of GF mice

 Isolator maintenance of GF mice

 Room use (procedure with ducted hood, surgical suites)

 Ethylene oxide sterilization

 Gnotobiotic technical procedures

 Experimental study support


Please log into PPMS for pricing and additional services.